Playing with Plagiarism

Ok, so this is only funny to Dutch speaking people who happen to work at AMS-IX:


The image is inspired by my colleague Ariën Vijn and the world-renowned Nijntje (also known as Miffy in most of the rest of the world).

I scanned one of the original Nijntje pictures, loaded it in Inkscape and drew over the lines with Bézier curves and ellipses. After that, I exported it to PNG format and used the GIMP to fill in the colours and save as PNG.

And the nominees are…

The nominations for the Dutch Big Brother Awards are in (see the
Big Brother Awards website).

Image of trophee

The Big Brother Awards are awarded to institutions, companies and individuals who promote privacy violations and it is much needed. There’s no equivalent of the ACLU in the Netherlands. We used to have a foundation called Bits of Freedom, but it sadly demised due to lack of funding and, apparently, interest. This is quite serious. In a time when our government not only fails to safeguard our privacy against outside intrusions, but also actively plans to intrude more into our personal lives, it is of vital importance to have an interest in civil liberties and rights. It seems, however, that we’ve been lulled to sleep over the years.

It’s a sad sign (or reflection of the general attitude) that most political parties do not seem to care about protecting the privacy of their voters. Those that do have an opinion, often have the wrong one, parroting the old, “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”

Using the threat of terrorism and fighting crime as arguments, the government promotes the collection of more data about individuals and allowing easier access for various agencies. All that is combined with the fallacious belief in an infallible government, i.e.: only authorised people will ever have access to sensitive data and these people will never abuse our trust. Perhaps not surprisingly, it’s the religious parties that have the least problems in believing this. After all, they already believe in an infallible higher power…


Hurling excrement: Ubuntu

This week’s turd goes to Ubuntu whose bleeding edge development version (the “Gutsy Gibbon”) contains a version of GNU coreutils from over a year old. C’mon guys! You don’t have to follow upstream minute-by-minute, but running one year and a major version number behind (5.97 vs. 6.9) is just ridiculous. My beef? The pre-6 releases do not contain the “base64” utility which I really need for some KVM related stuff.

Oh, and a fart in the direction of Fedora, which still ships zsh-4.2. Admitted, 4.3 is “unstable” but it’s running fine on most other distros (see Ubuntu? Some things do get synced with upstream), and at least the Unicode stuff is fixed.

I’m cranky.

Had my CAKE and ate it

Went to Tivoli in Utrecht to see CAKE on Tuesday 10 July. Great show, even though we had to stand around and wait for over an hour before they came on stage. We forgave them quickly.

Impressive musical skills, very loose presentation and a very appreciative audience. No fixed set-list, but also no songs on request, because, as John McCrea explained, “We are not a fancy jukebox.” They just played whatever they felt like at any moment. And there’s enough material to pick from, so we didn’t get bored.

McCrea’s little reflections on life, bicycles and the download-anything generation were maybe not hilariously funny, but they did provide short breathing pauses between the songs.

No new songs, although a new release is expected in August. Apparently most of the crowd consisted of long-time fans, because they happily sang along with the lyrics, which are not exactly what you’d call simple “lala-la” sing-along.



I guess CAKE didn’t make any new converts that night, but they did manage to strengthen the bond with a loyal fan base.
I also don’t know whether McCrea really did break a rib shortly before the show, as he claimed, but if he did, he’s got my respect for playing through the pain!

Oh, sweet symmetry!

Nothing to say, really, but dang, it’s 7-7-7 (whether you use the drain-bamaged US notation, EU, or ISO order), so I need to write something.

Today, I’ve been trying to beat Amanda into submission. No, she’s not my wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter or dog. It’s the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver. It was probably “advanced” back in 1997 when hard disks were expensive and backing up to tape made sense. Nowadays, we back up to a big array of hard disks on an off-site server. Amanda, however, is still tape-oriented, so a certain amount of hackery is involved. Fortunately, the multi-changer and “file” tape type make this not too hard. We’ve actually got that part working. Splitting up large volumes so they can be backed up in a staggered fashion wasn’t too hard either. The trickiest part is getting Amanda to recognise and use exclude lists. I think I’ve got it now.

The /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf file contains:

define dumptype hard-disk-tar {
    comment "Back up to hard disk instead of tape - using tar"
    program "GNUTAR"
    exclude list optional ".amanda.excludes"

And /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist contains:

HOST  /var_www_html_steven             /var/www        {
        include "./html/steven"

Obviously, tar will look for ”/var/www/.amanda.excludes”, not ”/var/www/html/steven”. My first idea was to add a line like ’exclude list “./html/steven/.amanda.excludes”’, but
this article explains why that wouldn’t work (there’s already and exclude in the dumptype definition).

This leaves two options:

  • Use a different dumptype, one that hasn’t got the ”exclude” statement, and use that type in the disklist file, specifying an explicit ”exclude” for each instance where it’s used.
  • Re-base the backup block in disklist to e.g. /var/www/html/steven.

I chose the second approach:

HOST  /var_www_html_steven             /var/www/html/steven        {

Let’s wait for tomorrow’s run to see if it works…

[Update 8 July 2007]

It works!

Fotozondagavond #14: Yummie (“Lekker”)

I was hoping to show some nice pictures of outdoors activities, but hey, it was raining!

Anyway, I turned 40 today, so the obvious yummie thing to show is CAKE.






No Cake

These are rare images of a piece of home-made mascarpone cake (comparable to tiramisu, but, er, quite different) before I got my grubby little fingers on it. The white balance is not optimal, but I didn’t want to waste time adjusting my camera: there’s a time for fiddlin’ and a time for ladlin’…

Now that was yummie!

More “lekker” stuff:

Fotozondagavond #13: Free for All

FJ seems to have taken a hiatus and left us without a topic for this week. This meant each of us had to come up with something original by ourselves.

As fate has it, I’ll be turning forty next week and it got me thinking about mortality, aging and all that. One of the things I’ve always wondered about is whether I would turn gray or bald. So far, I’ve collected a few white hairs, but most of them grow out of my nose, so that doesn’t say much. My maternal grandfather was balder than Yul Brynner (though not as mean-looking) and my paternal gramps had a head of (albeit slightly thinning) gray hair. I’m starting to look more and more like my father (gray rather than bald), so I’m guessing I won’t lose my hair just yet, but you never know.

So, armed with curiosity, camera and my trusty Gimp I hacked up some before and after shots:


Steven at 39

Steven at 40?

(click to enlarge)

Er, right. I think I’d rather turn gray…

Now I’ll send the “after” picture to Elisabetta by MMS, just to freak her out 😛

Other stuff I’ve been doing:


That sucks!

From the
Helsingin Sanomat:

A total of nearly 200 observations have already been made of a skin-piercing blood-sucking moth calyptra thalictri, which is relatively new in Finland. […]

Yikes! Unlike mosquitoes, where it’s the female that’s thirsty for blood, with
calyptra thalictri, it’s the male that does the dirty deed. It normally sucks juice from fruit and tears from the eyelids of large animals, but it seems the little critter is forcing its way into the mosquito’s niche.
Although painful, its bite is apparently not dangerous since the moth does not carry or transmit infectious diseases.


Once it ate my clothes.
Now the moth that flies at night,
Sucks my juicy toes.

– Steven

We already have the dreaded tiger mosquito in our country, I wouldn’t be surprised if we can welcome Calyptra T. soon as well
Sleep tight and yes, it seems the bed bugs do bite…

Fotozondagavond #12: Youth Sentiment

Baby, baby, baby!

So, this morning I started diving into my old record collection. Here’s a bit of nostalgia! Yes, I was a fan of Slade. In fact, I was a fan as early as 1972, when I was five years old and went to by a record with my father. The salesman refused to believe that I really wanted the Slade record until my father said, “Really, believe me. He won’t settle for anything else.” Bah, Fleetwood Mac and Pink Floyd thrown in for good measure to capture that unique 70s feeling (I chose hide my “Mud” record).

Viva vinyl!
Note the Joplin cover

Home, sweet home

My view for 21 years

We figured it would be nice to take a drive. We have a guest from Italy staying with us this weekend, and the weather was great, so I figured it would be nice to go back to my roots and visit the village I grew up in. Man, I haven’t been there in years. I was surprised at how small everything seemed. I mean, the chestnut trees in front of the church tower right across the road from our house were much bigger in my memory. Tip of the hat to the Captain who was confined to this place for ten years as well 🙂

The old house
The old street
That other “Hem” landmark

The later years

And then I went to live in Amsterdam. My university years were marked by sleeping during lectures and drawing. Anything to avoid paying attention. Here’s a couple of things I produced in those years. Warning: insider’s humour ahead!

This one’s for George!
(Click to read the whole thing)
Two legends


More youth sentiment: